Donate to Life Foursquare Church

Angleton, Texas

Make online donations using Subsplash

Please click on the green button above to make a donation to Life Foursquare Church. If this is your first donation, you will be given the opportunity to create a new online giving account.
With your online giving account, you can set up one-time or recurring donations to Life Foursquare Church using a ACH bank transfer (preferred), debit card, or credit card.
You can also access our online giving platform from our Android or iPhone app called “Life Foursquare Church.”

Thank you for donating to Life Foursquare Church! You are making a difference!

Fees considerations:

Several people have expressed interest in the fees that we pay for online donations. We pay the highest fees for online donations made using either a credit card or a debit card. Online donations made directly from your bank account (also called ACH) are considerably lower—and they save us a lot of money in fees. So ACH payment methods are much cheaper for us.

To avoid fees, please use your bank’s bill-pay option that most banks provide to allow you to pay your bills online. You can use that service to have your bank mail a check to us with your donation (at no cost to you or us). You can set the donation as one-time or recurring. All you need is our name and mailing address: Life Foursquare Church, 501 Karankawa, Angleton, Texas 77515.

You can also bring your donation or mail it to us by traditional mail. Whatever way you choose to donate, please know that we greatly appreciate your partnering with us to serve the Lord in our community.

May the Lord bless you abundantly for your faithful giving.