Our Story
If you’re like most people, you want to know if something you’re buying (into) fits! You wouldn’t pick up a pair of shoes, take them home, put them in your closet—and wait for some time to pass before you tried them on! It’s the same with anything personalized… especially the church.
We invite you to hear “The Life Story” because we think, like most people, you want to know if Life Foursquare Church is a “fit” for the whole family. We think you’ll like “The Life Story” and we just want to make getting to know us as easy as possible.
You can use the following links to…
- Watch the video sessions online…
- Listen to (just click) or download (right-click) the Audio versions (MP3) of the sessions…
- or view/download the session notes in PDF format.
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The Life Story Videos
The Life Story Audio
The Life Story Notes
You can also see more of our history (including a photo gallery) by scrolling down a little further down this page. Enjoy!
A Little Life History…
Life Church began in March of 1985 with just eleven adults and one little girl. Our vision was to become a church that reached out to a hurting world with the power of God’s love, forgiveness, and acceptance. We wanted a balanced church where our fundamental Bible beliefs could meet up with charismatic joy! We believed that kind of church would be well received as people experienced it… but we had no idea!
Within weeks of getting started, we outgrew the home we were meeting in and rented some facilities in a retail center. Within a few months we acquired the twenty acres that is now our present campus and began developing plans to build. We dedicated that first building (currently our offices) in June of 1987!
The next eight years were spent building a strong ministry base in the traditional church model but we knew there was much more for us. We knew that the church was not to be a depository of God’s blessings but a distribution point for them through many different types of ministry for all generations! It was then that we began building for longevity, with a new focus “two generations down,” and things began to grow rapidly!

With a heart for multiple generations, we started planning and building for youth! In 2000, we built a sports pavilion with kitchen and dining room (though we borrowed it for a short season to add a second ‘acoustic worship’ service for adults). In 2003 we closed in the pavilion (that we borrowed Sunday mornings for adult worship space) and added a fully equipped and dedicated youth room with a second kitchen. We also converted the original church building into a children’s building; four years old through 6th grade.

Soon we were running out of room and in 2006 we built the new Life Kids building with three stadium rooms, classrooms, video game room and dining area, with our third campus kitchen. Our Junior High group, “Str8up!” claimed the old building! Excited about the move, the kids began inviting their friends and soon we were out of room for them! Of course, we built them a new building to house the excitement, with another kitchen! By 2009, all three youth departments had their own spaces… and we, as adults, were the nomads of the Life Church world!
In 2006 we began a devoted ministry to the Hispanic community in Brazoria County with Alex and Lisa Montealegre at the helm (formerly known as Tejano royalty, Alex Montez and Lizza Lamb). The Spanish congregation grew and was separated to become its own church; La Vida Regional Cuadrangular (now on a beautiful campus in a prime area of town)! And we are still two expressions of one church!
With increased interest in our youth ministries, we began busing Jr. High and High School students from their school campuses on Wednesday nights. With many other youths being dropped off by parents, we watched our Wednesday night attendance approach the combined Sunday morning attendance numbers. Feeding the entire campus each week we soon needed more dining space so in 2011 and again in 2013 we added more floor space; used for dining, kids worship and finally, an adult classroom – though borrowed.

In 2016, after almost thirty years, we began building a new space specifically for adults, the auditorium where we meet now… but we did add another kitchen… a big one this time (that doubles as the Brazoria County Emergency Kitchen)… so that now, with all kitchens at work, we can make and deliver a free, age appropriate, dinner for about 700 people every Wednesday!
Through the years we have prospered as a congregation… but nothing has been so beautiful, so valuable, as knowing we have been helping parents and grandparents raise good citizens and Biblical world-view Christians! Many of the people who now call Life church their home are young people who found salvation here, and are now joining two older, multi-cultural, generations bringing life and salvation for another two generations downline!
With great worship, multiple-voice instruction, warm fellowship, genuine friendship, loving care, dynamic outreach, there’s certainly a place at Life Church for you… and that’s why we honestly say, “Welcome home!”
Photos along the way…
Prayer Time
From the beginning, prayer has has been important to us. This photo is inside the home where we initially began meeting.
A New Home
Checking out the newly donated 20 acres as we plan to build a new home for Life Church of Angleton.
Property Dedication
We all gathered together to pray over the new property and construction for our new home.
First Building
This is the first building just after completion on our new, 20-acre property. We dedicated in June, 1987.
Second Building
Our second building, right next to the original one, has served many purposes over the years including: Life Academy, Jr High classroom, and La Vida Spanish ministry offices.
Sports & Dining
Fellowship and interaction has always been important for us. In 2000, we build the first of several kitchens and dining rooms. We also added a sports pavilion.
Dining Room Fellowship
Our first adult dining room was a great place for food and fellowship. Meals were simple and the room had not yet been remodeled.
Adult Classes
Early on, we began using the model of food, fellowship, and training for our Wednesday night services.
Expanded South Campus
In 2003, we enclosed the sports pavilion for a temporary place for adults. The section on the far right was added for our growing youth department, with a full kitchen.
Second Sanctuary
This is the sanctuary that replaced the old sports pavilion. Today, it is part of the junior and senior high youth departments.
Children’s Building
In 2006 we began building a new children’s building to help us serve the younger generations.
Jr High Addition
In 2009, we expanded the children’s building with a new Jr High meeting room, complete with dining area and kitchen.
First Half of Foyer
We soon ran out of room to feed all the children coming on Wednesday nights, so in 2011, we built out the first half of what later would be our adult sanctuary.
New Adult Sanctuary
The adults had been borrowing space from the youth for too long. So, in 2016 we began building a new adult sanctuary along with a fully equipped kitchen.
New Dining Room
In 2020, we are adding a new dining room for the adults and for use in community disaster relief.