About Us
We started Life Church in 1985 with several goals in mind. First, we wanted to establish a group that reached out to others with God’s love and restorative power… a place where anyone could come, feel completely accepted, then be empowered for a better life! We wanted to tie together strength-giving, life-sobering, fundamental Bible beliefs with energetic, expressive joy and fun fellowships! We wanted an atmosphere that was not too formal (stifling expression) or too loose (chaotic or weird).
Today Life Foursquare Church is an exciting, growing fellowship of dynamic people living out those early goals and a whole lot more! We’re people who are experiencing that living life with God is exciting… that living life like God is life-changing… and that living life for God is rewarding.
With energetic music, life-transforming talks, kid-pleasing children’s ministries, awesome youth meetings, fun fellowships, genuine caring, and dynamic outreach into the community, God is building a place of strength and refuge through a people called “Life.”
We invite you to join our Life family as we face a future as bright as the glory of the God we serve.

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