Events & Activities
This page includes information on the various events and activities available for you here at Life Foursquare Church. Links to any registrations, sign-ups, or additional information that may apply will be contained in the descriptions for each event or activity listed below.
Click the green button to see our online events calendar for events and activities listed in a calendar format.

More information...
Coming Soon…
Please click any of the following to see more information.
- Nights of Renewal — Sunday March 30th at 6:00 PM
It’s time to renew our spirits and encounter God like never before. Much like our Life High Nights, Nights of Renewal are full of focused and intentional community, worship and revelation.
Childcare will be provided for nursery through 5th grade.
Current Classes and Activities…
Please click any of the following to see more information.
- Weekly Morning Prayer in the Sanctuary - at 7:30 AM
It is critical that we join together to pray for others and our nation. Therefore, the Sanctuary will be open for prayer on Monday thru Friday of each week from 7:30 to 8:30 AM. Please join us (part or all of that time) as we seek God’s face, His will, and His provision.
- Classes for all ages — Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Wednesday services are huge at Life Church, especially for children and youth. We begin our services at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm. Every age group has an age-appropriate ministry time that includes a free meal for all.
- Alpha — Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. No question about life or God is too simple or hostile.
Please note, this is an adults only class. We have incredible classes planned for every age group, so take your children to their departments before joining us in the dining room.
- Mars Hill — Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Do you have questions about faith, life, the Bible or something else pertaining to the Christian life? Email them to and come join the conversations, Wednesdays after dinner at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary.
Please note, this is an adults only class. We have incredible classes planned for every age group, so take your children to their departments before joining us in the dining room.
- Young Adults — Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
If you are between the ages of 18-29, join Young Adults, Wednesday nights for dinner at 6:00 PM in the dining room followed by a time of study in the Annex at 6:45 PM. If you are married and your spouse is over 29, please attend one of our other midweek services with them.
- Saturday Evening Prayer at the Three Crosses — 6:00 PM
Join us each Saturday at 6:00 PM for a Community Convergence at the Three Crosses Prayer Park at Life Foursquare Church. We will be praying together for a move of God. There will be times for corporate and for individual prayer.
Ongoing Classes & Courses…
Please click any of the following to see more information.
- Men's Bible Study — Mondays at 6:45 PM
The Men’s Ministry is committed to helping men become better husbands, fathers, leaders and friends. Men, you’re invited to join them for their new study, The Conquer Series, in the Str8-Up hangout room. Doors open at 6:30 PM for fellowship and the study time begins at 6:40 PM. Men in high school and older are welcome to attend. Invite a friend to join you this week!
- Mom2Mom — 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 10:00 AM
Join moms from all walks of life as we study It’s Not Supposed to be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst, the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. No matter the age of your children, you are welcome to join. If your kids are not old enough for school just yet, they are welcome to join you and play in the nursery with others.
- Classes for all ages on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Wednesday services are huge at Life Church, especially for children and youth. We begin our services at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm. Every age group has an age-appropriate ministry time that includes a free meal for all.
- Women's Bible Study - Thursdays at 6:00 PM
*Not meeting March 6th and 13th.
Join the women of Life Church, high school age and up, Thursday nights at 6:30 pm in the Dining Room for their current study It’s Not Supposed to be This Way by Lisa TerKeurst . Doors open at 6:00 PM for coffee and fellowship. Grab your Bible, favorite pen, and invite a friend to join you!
- GriefShare - Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Grief is Biblical. And you don’t have to navigate it alone.
Join others experiencing this season of life Thursday nights for GriefShare, a video driven support group, at 7pm.
For more information, visit the GriefShare website through this link.
- Saturday Refresh — Begins again May 17th at 10:00 AM
Join us for a refreshing time together, every 3rd Saturday of the month. There will be a light brunch, prayer, fellowship, a word and group discussion from 10:00 AM to noon in the Annex. Women in high school and up are welcome. For questions, email
Special Events…
Please click any of the following to see more information.
- Youth Camps! Life Kids, Str8-Up and Life High details here.
Hey parents! Here are the links to register and make payments towards camps for all of our students at Life.
Str8-up Victory Camp – June 16-19th – Find the registration information and how to pay at this link. This camp is for students entering 6th through 8th grade in the fall.
Life Kids Victory Camp – June 7-10 – Find the registration information and how to pay at this link. This camp is for students entering 3rd through 5th grade in the fall.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the office at 979-849-1161.
Resources and Other Information…
Please click any of the following to see more information.
- Life Blast — Important updates sent by text message!
Life Blast is a service we provide for emergency and other critical updates that we provide for our members. To sign up, text LIFEBLAST (one word, all caps) to 833-583-0779. You will receive an automated response and be asked to send back your first and last name. You can discontinue the service at any time by texting STOP to the number.
- Water Baptisms — Last Sunday of every month
If you have been saved and need to follow up with water baptism, join us! Pre-register by clicking this link and make sure to watch the baptism info video. Baptisms will take place during 2nd service praise and worship on the last Sunday of the month. Don’t forget to bring extra clothes and a towel.
- Having trouble hearing the message or worship while here?
If you have trouble hearing the Sunday message, you can listen to it on your phone with earbuds or bluetooth hearing aids while sitting in the sanctuary or foyer. Log into the “LifeAudio” WiFi network (password hearlife). Install the AudioFetch app on your phone. Connect your earbuds or hearing aids to your phone. When you open the AudioFetch app, you should be able to hear the worship and messages during both Sunday morning services.
- Soul Care According to God by Sonny Bowman — Watch here!
The world has a lot to say about self-care but what about soul care? Discover what God has to say about caring for your soul in this 4 part class taught by Sonny Bowman.
- Life Culture by Cere Muscarella — Watch here!
If it’s not always immediately noticeable, it soon is, that our church culture is a bit different. Words like “Two-gen down,” “Culture of generosity,” “Draw near to God,” “Sheep with a bell,” etc. need a little development from the Bible. Our Midweek class: “Life Culture” is a great time to gather together, eat a meal, and talk through what makes Life so full of life for so many!
- The Inverted Kingdom by Cere Muscarella — Watch here!
The Inverted Kingdom! When Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world…” he might as well have added, “And it’s out of this world!” because it’s so different from the modern traditional models of love and life, Church and service. Let’s explore the differences together, including the “Tunnel of the Funnel” style Church!
- DTS (Discipleship Training School) by Cere Muscarella — Watch here!
To watch the DTS study classes taught by Cere Muscarella, you can click here. You can also use that link to download the slide notes for the series.
- The Berean Study Bible
The Berean Study Bible is an excellent translation that can be downloaded free on some of the Bible apps (e.g. Bible app by Olive Tree). You can also download a free copy for Kindle, Word, or in PDF format here. If you would like to purchase a printed copy (hardback or soft cover), you can do so at