Welcome to Life Church!
We are glad that you found us on the Web. Please take time to explore our site to learn more about us and Jesus whom we love and serve. If you’re ever in the Angleton, Texas, area during a service time, drop by to spend a little time with us. We would love to meet you.
Cere and Ann Muscarella
Fellow servants and friends in Christ

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What to Expect Here
We know that walking into a new place can be a hard thing, so we want to take a few minutes to say “Welcome!” and to acclimate you to Life!
Casual Dress
Probably one of the first things you noticed here is that our dress and format are casual. The reason is simple. Jesus was sent by God to earth to touch our lives… and He didn’t come in an expensive suit or in rags. He came as an ordinary guy, approachable and touchable. He was God-come-down-to-earth in a real-world package, and people loved Him! We believe that the important dress issue is that we be clothed in a heart that loves Him and other people! We’re not against someone dressing up for church; people can come any way they want. But there’s plenty of room here for folks who just want to slip into a pair of jeans or shorts and sandals when it comes time to go to church!
Caring People
At Life we see ourselves as a loving, caring family. When people here face difficult situations, there are many who will draw near for support, encouragement, and aid as appropriate. On the other hand, we work to avoid being closed or cliquish. You will find acceptance here regardless of background, ethnicity, past failures, or mistakes. We give you the same sort of love we receive from God—unconditional and non-manipulative.

Contemporary Worship
You will notice that our praise and worship time is contemporary. You will also note that it is longer than typical for many churches. Our praise and worship is more than a warm up to the preaching! Our worship is the point of our gathering together! Our Father in heaven is worthy of this expression of our love.
Lots of Coffee, Snacking, and Talking
The foyer is open before each Sunday morning service, so don’t stop for breakfast on the way to church! Come straight here for a free selection of gourmet coffees, tasty donuts, or juices. Once you have your drinks and donuts, take a seat at one of the tables in our dining room. Before long you’ll be making some new friends.

Child Friendly Ministry
Children and youth are the leaders of tomorrow! We take very seriously the responsibility to help parents prepare them for the great tasks ahead. We do not view child care as a means to occupy the children while the parents attend services! Our heart is to provide a safe and exciting environment for your children and youth as they are taught to address life issues from a biblical perspective.
Biblically Sound Teaching
While our services are lively and casual, we do not take a careless approach to the Bible. We are committed to the Bible as the authority for living rightly! Men have come up with all kinds of definitions for the “good life,” but God alone has the key to the real thing! He knows how this life works best! All things that pertain to the true goodness of life are recorded in the Bible, so we unapologetically look to it for practical and positive ways to mature and be released into our full potential!