Resources, Classes,
& Studies
We have a lot of resources and information available to you for free. Let us know if you can’t find something you are looking for.

Be Sure of Your Future...
Do you have questions about whether or not your will spend eternity with God? This study can help!
Various Classes by Life Church
We have several audio and video class series that have been recorded and made available to you for free. Most also include a link to class notes.
Bible Study Topics
This resource is a Scripture-rich source that lists signficant Bible verses related to various topics of interest to people. We are sure that you will find something here of interest to you.
Building Blocks of Life
This is a series of Bible studies designed for easy use in studying Christian basics. It is an excellent self or group study course that will help you become proficient in the fundamentals of Christianity. The lessons are free to download (PDF print and MP3 audio) and for your use in personal or group studies.
Finding Light in the Darkness
This is a series of Bible studies designed to help you develop an intimate relationship with God and His Word. This is a more in-depth study that will help you grow in your knowledge of the Lord, His Word, and ways to minister to others. It is recommended that you complete the Building Blocks of Life course before taking this course. The lessons are free to download (PDF print and MP3 audio) and for your use in personal or group studies
End Times and Future Events
Do Bible passages about End Times and future events seem like jumbled up puzzle pieces? That doesn’t have to be the case. The Bible teachings on End Times are much easier to understand than most Christians realize. If you are looking for information on the End Times that is easy to understand, easy to use, and thoroughly backed by Scripture—this is the study for you.
Mormonism: Does it Pass God's 3-Question Test for Truth?
Mormonism is a name frequently used to describe the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormonism claims to accurately represent true Christianity as revealed by God. IHow can we accurately determine if Mormonism is God’s true religion as it claims?
Fortunately, in the Bible, God provided a simple, three-part test that can be applied to any person or religion. God’s test determines if that person or religion really speaks for Him and whether they accurately represent God’s truth. The test is easy to apply and produces consistent answers. This resource briefly documents the results of the test when it is applied to the doctrines of Mormonism.
Biblical Worldview Survey
Your worldview is what determines your decisions, your important choices in life. It also determines your values and shapes your character. Is your worldview a biblical one? Take this 10-minute survey to find out!