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Cere Muscarella
Associate Pastor
Cere, the founding pastor of Life Foursquare Church, serves as Associated Pastor as of January 1, 2025. Prior to that he served as Senior Pastor.
Like formality! He doesn’t like to be called “Pastor.” Titles are separators and Jesus was into “together!” “When it’s normal to introduce people by what they do, like ‘This is my friend, Plumber Tom… Fast Food Server Bill… or Truck Driver Sue…’ then I’ll let people call me Pastor Cere without a fight.
Like clothing! It’s jeans, sport shirts, and rarely socks in life. That’s because God sent Jesus in “normal guy” garb! “He could have sent Him in Armani… or camo… or rags… but no, just everyday stuff!” Q: Wasn’t it always the guys in formal wear, focused on the labels, who gave Jesus the hardest time?
Like Serving! “We all just do whatever is necessary to make things work, knowing that the main message of the gospel is that we are called to servant-leadership!” Cere does the mundane things; cooking, cleaning, windows, knowing that often it’s what seems insignificant to us that means a whole lot to God!
He’s pretty casual until it comes to “The Book!” Then it gets intense… Cere also taught several sessions in Life Church’s The Building Blocks of Life and Finding Light in the Darkness Bible study courses.
Like Worship! Most people spend more energy and focus on a racquetball game than they do on worshipping God… spill more emotion on a new car than on new life… display more excitement over a rock star than the Rock! That’s just wrong! “All love, feeling, sweat & thought!” Luke 10.27
Like Intimacy! Without intimate, working, knowledge of God we’re just another world religion with another dead icon! Our God wants us to know Him and He humbled Himself to make the connection.
Like Lifestyle! Like a drill sergeant there is the constant call to live “foremost faith; the faith of the Son of God. “If you won’t strive for His life and live in His style then don’t call yourself His follower!”
His love passion is Jesus and his two beautiful girls: wife, Ann, and daughter, Alexis. His life passion is the care and feeding of the Church. When there is time, Cere loves designing homes and churches.
Cere was New York born and L.A. bred. Caught up in the 60’s cultural revolution, he studied business law and sociology for two years then navigated through the emerging subculture as an early-start businessman. After a two-year internship with entrepreneur Bob Pemberton, Cere opened his first surf and sport store in 1968. He became the builder and nationwide distributor of CME surfboards and supplies and was a full-time surfer and owner of the CME Surf Team.
A target of Shirley Boone’s personal ministry, Cere was born again on December 9, 1973. He was called to ministry during his baptism on January 13, 1974. For seven years, Cere attended The Church on the Way and did basic studies at their Kings Institute. At the same time his business resources were converted to a nationwide Christian outreach campaign. He founded the Jesus is Lord Foundation, a parachurch organization dedicated to distributing Christian literature, the J.I.L. Newsletter, and Bibles around the world.
Cere left his business enterprise to attend Rhema Bible Training Institute at Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1980. There he met and married Ann in 1981. They both graduated from Rhema Bible Training Institute in 1982.
Cere and Ann moved to the Texas Gulf Coast region in 1982 to serve as Associate Pastor of Living Word Fellowship in Clute, Texas. Next, he served two years as Associate Pastor and Administrator of Living Stones Church in Alvin, Texas. Then, simultaneous with planting Life Church in Angleton, he served two years as Associate Pastor and Administrator of Grace Community Church in Houston, Texas, where Pastor Steve Riggle helped vision the couple for the future!
Cere and Ann founded Life Church in Angleton, Texas, on March 17, 1985, where he still serves as Associate Pastor. Alexis Glaze, their daughter, was born in 1994. Cere experienced a personal epiphany in 1995 that radically changed his relationship with the Lord and his ministry.